This weekend is time for one of my favorite charity events of the year. Most of you realize it's Super Bowl Sunday...but do you also know it's "Souper Bowl Sunday"? I love and appreciate a really good idea, and this is a fine example. Actually, the official title is "Souper Bowl of Caring".
Back in 1990, a Seminary Intern serving in a parish in Columbia, South Carolina, said this simple prayer, "Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat." That led the youth group of his church and 21 other churches in Columbia to raise $5,700 for local food banks in the way of cash and cans donated. It works like this: the youth group sets a big soup kettle in the narthex of the church on Super Bowl Sunday and you can drop $1 in. There is also a container for donated cans of soup. What is collected goes to local food banks. How easy is that? God answered that intern's prayer and this simple idea has spread in a wonderful way. In 2007, Super Bowl of Caring raised over 8 million dollars.
This doesn't have to be done by a youth group...or necessarily even a church. Melisa did it at the quilt shop one year and had a generous amount to turn in. If your church or other community group isn't doing this, please give some thought to organizing it. It's probably too late for this year, but keep it in mind for next year. What a simple way to share our blessings!