Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Every 4th of July, my heart is in Sheridan, Illinois. We had such fun times there with friends the years we lived there. Last year Jerry and I were there in person again and it was just as good as I'd remembered. This year we will be at a cookout at "Papa Jim's". Papa Jim is Jodi's father-in-law and he's always so nice to invite us over to his holiday cookouts, dinners, etc. His family are all very nice folks and we have a good time with them. And, of course, the grand kids will be there. Today we will be celebrating Emery's 4th birthday -- which was actually on Thursday. But what a fun celebration it will be with so many people around. And I'm sure he'll think the fireworks are just for him!

There are a lot of things today that deeply concern me about this country. But I believe that even with all our faults and problems, it is still the best country in the world and I thank God that I was born here. I don't know how to add videos to my posts (help me out here, Jessica), so I will just tell you to go to this web site and see a really neat video:

Have a happy 4th of July holiday however you choose to spend it!


Jackie said...

The video was a great way to start my 4th. I loved the diversity in the video--great reminder of who America belongs to!

jodi said...

Yeah, I liked the video too.

Anonymous said...

Where do I find Cumarindine????

Anonymous said...

If you have cumarindine to sell, just reply back to this post and let me know where i can purchase.

Mellie said...

What a great video! Where do you find these things!!