Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm So Proud

When your daughter announces to you that she is a slob...that she has, in fact, been "named SLOB of the month for August" can a mother not swell with pride?

As you've probably noticed by now, I use my blog just to ramble on about whatever happens to be on my mind. But my girls are more into it than I am. They actually network with other bloggers all over the country and check on each other on a regular basis. One of Jessica's favorite blog sites is by the guys in the Christian band called Mercy Me. She gets a kick out of the videos they play and she even has taught Savannah how to get to their web site and she has her own favorites that she plays.

A little while back, the Mercy Me guys started what they called SLOBs (stands for "Spectacular League of Bloggers"). They were having a lot of fun with it and getting people to write in suggesting logos for tee shirts, etc. Last week they announced they were starting a new feature: SLOB of the month. They wanted to celebrate the individual that sent the most people over to them from their own blog...and they named Jessica as the first SLOB of the month. You can check them out at and then click on their blog and see some fun videos.

Congratulations, Jess.


Jess said...

You always knew I had a little slob in me, right?
Hey, at least I'm finally rewarded for that!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I named her "slob of the year" a few months ago when I cleaned her apartment for her, but I got no mention whatsoever. What's that all about???