Saturday, November 22, 2008


This is the time of year when it really starts to sink in how blessed we are. It is a time when we also, hopefully, begin to look for ways to help others. This year I encourage you to help your local food as big a way as you can. There is more need this year than there has been in a very long time.

Here are a couple of other really cool ways to help. This first one costs you nothing and helps very much. Can't beat that! If you're easily addicted to computer games (like I am), then click on the picture or go to It's an on-line vocabulary quiz. They give you a word (where do they get some of these???) and 4 definitions to choose from. If you guess it right, 20 grains of rice are donated to the UN World Food Program. If you get it wrong, they give you the right definition and then a few questions later they ask you that one again. So it's, fun, educational, helpful. I love a "win - win - win"...don't you? There is a warning on the website, though. It says, "This game may make you smarter. It may improve your speaking, writing, thinking, grades, job performance...." If you think 20 grains of rice aren't worth the effort, it adds up. I can't seem to quit playing until I win at least 1,000 grains. If you click on the "totals" tab on the top of the game page, they will show you how much rice has been donated since this started in October of 2007. Are you ready for this? So far...51,690,666,050 grains have been donated by the sponsors who show up on the bottom of the game as you play. Go ahead -- have some fun, and be helpful!

Help end world hunger

And here's another cool one. This one isn't free...but it costs so little it's almost like being free. I got this one off of Jodi's web page. If you came across a shoe sale where you could get 2 pairs for $ would be all over it, right? you can! Just click on the picture below. If that doesn't work, go to and help them get 50,000 pairs of shoes in 50 days.

The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge
If you know of more fun and easy ways to help in what other people have set up to give aid and comfort to those who really know what "need" means, please let me know. I'm on it and I'd love to pass it along. Thank you for participating!

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