Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another "Work in Progress"

We are having the house painted. Last time it was painted, Jerry did it himself. By the time he washed it, trimmed out all the windows and brush painted the whole sucker by hand...two years had passed! So this year we are paying someone else to do it!

On Tuesday evening the "boss", Dale, came out and pressure washed the whole house. It didn't take him very long and he did a very thorough job. He let us pick out the paint colors and then he went on his way.

All day Wednesday, one of his workers was here. He caulked every nook, cranny, groove and crack and filled every nail hole. In a full day he only got about half done. It seems like these guys are doing a really good job. Today the same fellow came back...with another man... and they continued what he started yesterday.

Sadly, Jerry got a call from Dale last night letting us know that his father died suddenly in south Georgia. Jerry was telling me that the second man that came today looked familiar to him...but he couldn't figure out where he knew him from. After a few hours, he was outside talking to them and the man said, "I think I know you from somewhere". So they played that game and they came to figure out that this man lives in a home that was built by Habitat for Humanity and Jerry was one of the people who had helped in the building of his house!

This man told Jerry, "You lucked out". He went on to explain that Dale had called his workers last night, too, and told them that the sprayer equipment was locked up and he would not be back for an indeterminable amount of time. This man told Jerry they were going to paint our house by hand with brushes! He said he was going to do a really, really good job...because he appreciated what Jerry and others had done for him. (Good karma)

We'll have to see if that's what they will do. In the meantime, it's easy to give directions to our house: "Its' the spotted one on the right."


Jess said...

Wow. Small world. That's cool though that the guy remembered dad. And actually appreciated his work there.

Anonymous said...

those aren't just dots...if you connect them it is a halo of love sent by the good works angel! what goes around, comes around. miz b

Anonymous said...

Do these guys travel? I know of some work that needs to be done in WA!