Today is Jodi's 37th birthday. Seems like another lifetime that she lay to rest (in a wheel barrow) under the Christmas tree. She has sometimes not been happy to have a birthday on Christmas Eve. She has often felt overlooked. She never liked having to wait a whole year to get a present. But since she chose to make me wait 3 weeks past my due date, I've not had a whole lot of sympathy for her. I did, however, get a kick out of walking into my mom's house that Christmas Eve..."great with child"... suitcase in hand and contractions becoming regular and announcing that I was going to the hospital because, "there was no room at the inn." But for those of you who get to celebrate a day just for yourselves at another time of year, let me point out a few things. Only if you have a Christmas Eve birthday do you:

...need to remind people to wrap your gifts in birthday paper (instead of the Christmas wrapping paper just because it's handy).
...need to have a birthday party with your friends that's not on your actual birthday, because they won't come otherwise.
...hear people say, "Thanks but I really don't want any birthday cake. I'm full of cookies and fudge."
But now that she's all grown up and realizes all the gifts she has in her life every single day, and has so many people to share the joys and celebrations with, I think she's taking it all in stride.