Sunday, August 24, 2008

High and Dry

I'm sure you've heard of Tropical Storm Fay. She's been in the news for over a week pouring record-breaking amounts of water on all parts of Florida and the south east. If you've seen pictures on TV of her large, swirling swath of orange, you would think we were getting a good soaking, too. You would think that...and you would be wrong. I've been waiting for days for the raining to start here. But on the radar, the rain was only getting as far as Macon -- about an hour south of us. But I kept looking...and looking...and looking. Yesterday it was inching a little closer, but was very spotty. I was just sure today would be the day. But I awoke to only more gray skies. I looked at the local Doppler radar and thought, "Hey! What do you call that????" How did all that rain get from the southeast of us to the northwest of us -- and MISS us completely??? So as I was getting ready for church, I was being mentally grumpy and thinking, "According to Matthew 5:45 'the rain falls on the just and the unjust'...but it just doesn't fall on us!"
But it's been a weird day, weather-wise. We've been mostly cloudy, but every once in a while it would pour straight down -- a nice, heavy rain -- that lasts for about a minute and a half. Then the sun would come out and it would get very steamy and humid...and we'd have mostly blue skies. It did that several times. Very strange. But I think if you add all those little intervals of showers together, we may have actually accumulated about 1/2". We'll take it. But I'm watching the radar still, because now Fay may be forced back over us from the west this time and maybe she'll be a little more generous in the next few days. We can only hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was in the "cottage" today when the cats and doge were coming down! it was so hard/loud we could not hear the teacher read the test questions! your wish has been granted. now could you wish for more money for classrooms rather than mobile educaional units...better known is the south as trailers?! miz b