A few weeks ago I was playing in the pool with the grand kids and they were saying their usual, "Look at me!", "Look, Nanny!", "Lookit...lookit...lookit!". But I only have two eyeballs and no matter how hard I try, I can't "
lookit" in two directions at the same time! I thought to myself, "what these kids need is an audience". Now picture a light bulb above my head. I had them sit down and focus for a minute (no easy task) and I started to tell them that in a few more days there would be something on TV called "The Olympics". They are both very competitive (you can't walk down the hallway in the house without a "line leader") and so their little eyes danced when I told them it was a big, huge contest to see who could run the fastest, throw the farthest, swim the fastest, dive the best, etc. I told them lots of people would be watching. Then I told them we should put on an Olympic-type water show. They got excited about that. They have learned
SOOO much in the pool this summer. So they started practicing some of the things they want to show their audience. Such daring and death (by drowning)-defying feats as "cartwheel diving", "the human airplane", "the spiral corkscrew" and the "synchronized backward
freefall" to name a few. After swimming that day, while Emery took his nap, Savannah a
nd I made up invitations to this show starring The Amazing Savannah and The Incredible Emery. She addressed envelopes to mommy, daddy, Grandpa and Aunt Jessica. They were then sealed with a lot of stickers.
This extravaganza will be held this coming Sunday afternoon at 4:30. Since I figure the show will last approximately 12 to 16 minutes, I've included a cook out and pool party following.