I'm a pack rat. I keep most everything. But I like my things. Many of them are unique and make me think of people that are special to me. When we redecorated the bedroom, I had some decisions to make. In taking a fresh look at some of my special things, I had to admit they were old and wouldn't really fit in with the new decor. But I remembered fondly why I had...and had kept...each one of them. First...there was my jewelry box. I remembered how touched I was when Jerry went to see his brother in New Jersey after we had been dating for a very short time. He missed me and brought me back a gift. It was a tall, wooden jewelry box. I was blown
away! So for 40 years, this has sat atop my d

resser and held the few pieces of jewelry that I wear any more. It's on top of my list of very best gifts I've ever received. But in looking at it through the eyes of a decorator -- it had to go. :( It is old, after all, and a little scarred up from use. Luckily, Jessica was able to use it in her closet and so I didn't have to really get "rid" of it. :) In it's place, I got a small, soft box in just the right colors. I went to Target and got some drawer dividers to put inside and it holds my jewelry just fine and looks terrific.

Another thing I smiled at as I removed it from the room was an old ceramic bank. It was given to me by two special friends...Bill O'Neill and Bill Shepherd...when I left Commonwealth Edison to stay at home and raise my children. I was pregnant with Jodi at the time -- so that, too, is about 38 years old. Even though it says, "retirement fund" on it -- I was far from being retired at th

e time! I have replaced that with a funky thing that I think is supposed to be a vase...but I put my few paltry coins in it. It has the right colors in it and I like it from a decorator's point of view. But I'm going to need a whole lot more change in it because of the size. But if you figure the rate of inflation over the past 38 years, I guess that would be about right.

Then there was this picture that hung over the head of the bed. Several years ago for our anniversary, Jodi and Jessica made this for us. There is a quilt block in the center made from fabric that was in the wedding ring quilt on the bed. The fact they are novice sewers/quilters at best (Jess, in particular, hates the hand quilting) and yet they had this idea and pulled it off with the help of one of my quil

ting friends (thanks, Gail) means the world to me. On either side were very sweet sentiments about what a mom is and what a dad is. I was very touched with this gift and will always treasure it. But it also looks good downstairs by my cutting table. And in it's place, I found a very nice picture that matched the new decor in color and style. It also says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15) Totally appropriate.
So, yes...some of the little trinkets and such that reminded me of special people are not on display anymore. But that doesn't mean I'll ever forget these people or what their gifts have meant to me over the years. Those I keep in the most special place of all -- my heart.